Here's a handful of cell phone photos of my works from the May 2012 opening at the Hamilton Gallery in Baltimore. Thanks to everyone who came out!
The Squares Series is fun, but it's time for a change of pace. I started a new work this week, and so far I love it. The canvas has a couple of layers of gesso, a little pencil, and watercolors so far, but I'm not sure I'm ready to stop just yet. This is the first time I've done a large work with watercolor, and it was a lot more fun than I expected. I've always thought of watercolor as kind of wimpy, reserved for kids coloring books, formulaic landscapes, harbor scenes and close ups of flowers. I painted a watercolor QR code last month for kicks, and realized I hadn't really given watercolors a fair shake. The colors don't have to be the washed out bland watercolors of childhood, they can be bold. This work feels free, impulsive, with big loose gestures, the antithesis of the squares. Day 1: Day 2:
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August 2020
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